While cold weather conditions may have impacted normal life in the city, it has certainly brought cheer to farmers in the district. Farmers say cold conditions are conducive for the growth of wheat plants.
While the region has been witnessing frost during the early morning hours for the last many days, the chill in the air remains throughout the day. However, wheat growers are not worried as they stated that the condition is good for tillering of the plants which would eventually lead to a good harvest.
Vegetable growers, however, are a little worried as the prevailing weather condition has stunted the growth of saplings and slowed the flowering process which would lead to a drop in harvest. The farmers are also making efforts to protect the small vegetable plants by covering them with tarpaulin sheets to protect them from direct harm caused by frost.
Tajinder Singh, Chief Agriculture Officer, said, “With frost conditions, farmers do not have to worry about the wheat crop. They might have to take extra care of vegetables and fruit trees in case of frost.” He said fodder and vegetable fields should be applied light irrigation in early morning hours to lower the temperature around them.