Back Feb 05, 2025

Higher yield in Central and Southern parts set to boost India’s 2024-25 cotton crop, says CICR

The Indian cotton crop for the 2024-25 season is expected to be bigger than the initial estimates on higher yields in the key growing regions of central and southern parts of the country.

The Nagpur-based ICAR-Central Institute of Cotton Research (CICR), the apex research body for the fibre crop, estimates that the crop for the 2024-25 season to September could touch 320 lakh bales (170 kg each), higher than the initial estimates that ranged from 299.36-304 lakh bales. In 2023-24, India produced 325.22 lakh bales.

“Crop estimate already revised up by 5 lakh bales but our ground reports say that it will still be higher due to good yields in central and southern states. We expect it to be about 320 lakh bales,” Y G Prasad, Director, CICR, told businessline. Many districts of Maharashtra, Telangana and Karnataka are driving the increase in production this year, he said.

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