Back Mar 11, 2025

Soybeans Fall on Monday

Soybeans were pressured by oil weakness on Monday, with contracts closing 7 to 11 cents in the red. The cmdtyView national front month Cash Bean price was down 10 1/4 cents at $9.49 1/4. Soymeal futures were down $2.20/ton in the nearbys, with Soy Oil futures 116 points lower. Over the weekend China placed tariffs on Canadian ag goods, excluding canola, but including canola oil, dragging the bean oil lower on Monday.

The USDA reported a private export sale of 195,000 MT of soybeans to unknown destinations this morning for 2024/25.

Weekly Export Inspections data showed a total of 844,218 MT (31.02 mbu) of soybeans shipped in the week of 3/6. That is up 20.6% from the week prior and a 7.6% increase vs. the same week last year. China was the top destination of 276,437 MT in that week, with 133,079 MT to Indonesia and 129,269 MT to Germany. Marketing year exports are 38.44 MMT (1.412 bbu), which is still 9.6% larger than the same point last year.

USDA’s WASDE report will be tomorrow, with traders looking for no major changes to the US carryout number at 379 mbu. The average trade guess for the Argentine output is at 48.9 MMT vs. 49 MMT in February, with Brazil expected up 0.5 MMT at 169.5 MMT. World ending stocks are seen up 0.22 MMT to 124.56 MMT.

The Brazilian soybean crop is estimated at 61% harvested according to AgRural, ahead of the 55% pace from the same week last year.

Mar 25 Soybeans  closed at $9.99 3/4, down 10 1/2 cents

Nearby Cash  was $9.49 1/4, down 10 1/4 cents

May 25 Soybeans  closed at $10.14, down 11 cents

Nov 25 Soybeans  closed at $10.17 3/4, down 7 3/4 cents

New Crop Cash  was $9.53, down 7 3/4 cents


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